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UZH Continuing Education Hochschuldidaktische Weiterbildung

Teaching Skills – Systematic Development of Teaching Competence

Information Event

Next Event (online)
1 April 2025, 17:00 – 18:00 (online)
The information event will take place on the channel Fokus Hochschuldidaktik on MS Teams.

Category Description


Teaching Skills is a systematic 7 ECTS program designed for teaching and research assistants and senior assistants at UZH seeking a basic grounding and ongoing training leading to a qualification in teaching in Higher Education. The program is offered by Continuing Education in conjunction with the departments. The departments can stipulate special requirements for participating faculty members. Doctoral candidates may be credited Teaching Skills. The decision on accreditation lies with the degree program in question. The CAS UZH in Higher Education fully approves Teaching Skills.
The program introduces the fundamentals of research in teaching and learning as the basis for planning and conducting courses. Focusing on the alignment of teaching/learning activities and assessment, participants also experience how to motivate and activate students through student-centered teaching. Sustainable transfer of course content into participants own teaching is fostered and supported through peer observation and portfolio-based reflection.

Aims After the course, participants are able to plan and conduct high quality teaching and to design competence-oriented courses so that teaching and learning activities, assessment and learning goals are systematically aligned.
Target group Academic staff involved in teaching at UZH, esp. doctoral students and post-doctorates
Requirements  Participants should be employees of and involved in teaching at UZH (for scope see regulations), Master's degree from an accredited university
Final award Teaching Skills attestation

Number of participants

For each course the number of participants is limited to 16 persons. Please register early.

Language Please note that this course is held either in German or English. Intermediate-level language skills in the stated course language with regard to understanding, speaking and reading are required to participate in the program. Contributions and course assessments may be submitted in both German and/or English.

Please note that Teaching Skills is offered as a face-to-face or online course. The modality and the course language are noted below dates. It is not intended to switch in between the face-to-face and the online course.

  • Teaching Skills (face-to-face course in blended learning desing, 8 workshop days on site)
  • Teaching Skills online track (online course in blended learning design, approx. 50 hours of synchronous online sessions)
Duration  1 year (7 ECTS Credits)

Start FS25: Teaching Skills (online track, German)
Registration open until 31 January 2025

  • Introduction to course planning (2 ECTS Credits): 31.03.-14.05.25,  Mondays und Wednesdays 14-16h (no course on 21. & 23.04.25)
  • Competent teaching practice (1 ECTS Credit): 07.11., 14.11. & 12.12.25, 9-13h
  • Complexe teaching settings (1 ECTS Credit): individual
  • Activities in the teaching community (1 ECTS Credit): individual
  • Elective module (1 ECTS Credit): individual
  • Submission Teaching Portfolio (1 ECTS Credit): 31.07.2026

Start HS25: Teaching Skills (on Site, German)
Registration: 01.03.2025-15.05.2025

  • Introduction to course planning (2 ECTS Credits): 18./19.08.2025 and 10.09.2025
  • Competent teaching practice in complex teaching settings (2 ECTS Credits): 04./05.02.2026 und 12.03.2026
  • Elective module (1 ECTS Credit): individual
  • Activities in the teaching community (1 ECTS Credit): individual
  • Submission Teaching Portfolio (1 ECTS Credit): 31.07.2026
Fee Free of charge


Registration Teaching Skills HS25 German (PDF, 527 KB)
Registration Deadline: 15 May 2025

Terms of Participation

With their registration participants agree to attend the entire course. A cancellation after the end of the cancellation period, no-show without indication of unforeseeable or unavoidable reasons or incomplete participation can result in consequences for the participation in other courses (detailed information about the terms of participation).

FAQ Frequently asked questions


Dr. Franziska Jäpel (Program management, course leader German)
Dr. Svenja Kaduk (Course leader English)

Program coordination
Lisa Gubler
Phone.: +41 (0)44 634 29 84