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UZH Continuing Education Hochschuldidaktische Weiterbildung

CAS in Higher Education

Information Event

Next Event (online):
September/October 2024

Category Description


The CAS in Higher Education is a part-time continuing education program covering all the relevant aspects of current university teaching and learning. It's an opportunity for instructors to receive a basic grounding and continuing education in teaching and learning, and acquire a qualification documenting their university teaching achievements.
Participants will learn how to plan and conduct skills-based courses and assess their teaching appropriately. They'll be introduced to innovative teaching models and approaches to evaluation.
The CAS is offered on a blended learning basis combining a variety of teaching and learning formats: alongside in-class sessions, participants will put together a teaching portfolio, be observed by experts, take part in peer observations, and try their hand at peer counseling.
At the end of the CAS in Higher Education, participants independently carry out a teaching project in their respective focus.
Booklet CAS Higher Education (PDF, 628 KB)

Target group   University-level instructors
Requirements  Participants must hold a Master’s degree from an accredited university. Teaching activity (for scope see regulations).
Final award Certificate of Advanced Studies UZH in Higher Education

Number of participants

For each course the number of participants is limited to 16-20 persons. Please register early.


Please note that this course is held in German. Intermediate-level German language skills with regard to understanding and reading are required to participate in the programs. It is possible for the participants to speak English during the courses. Contributions and course assessments may be submitted in English.

Duration  2 Years (15 course days, 14 ECTS Credits)

The course takes place on site. Online participation is not possible.


Start Fall 2024
Module I: 03/04 September 2024 and 03 October 2024
Module II: 30/31 January 2025 and 13 March 2025
Module III: individual
Deadline teaching portfolio: 31 July 2025

Module IV: 12/13 June 2025 and 29 August 2025
Module V: 05/06 February 2026 and 26 March 2026 and 16 April 2026
Module VI: 10 June 2026
Flyer CAS 2024 (PDF, 250 KB)
Flyer CAS 2023 (PDF, 242 KB)
Flyer CAS 2022 (PDF, 240 KB)


CHF 8700,- for external participants

For internal participants (UZH employees):
CHF 4350,- without a qualifying position
CHF 1000,- with a qualifying position
(for doctoral candidates without a qualifying position see Regulation and Implementaton Provisions)


Currently no registration.

Lateral entry Please visit our German website
Terms of Participation

With their registration participants agree to attend the entire course. A cancellation after the end of the cancellation period, no-show without indication of unforeseeable or unavoidable reasons or incomplete participation can result in consequences for the participation in other courses (detailed information about the terms of participation).

FAQ Frequently asked questions (German)

Governing body

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Zurich, represented by Prof. Dr. Kai Niebert


Program management CAS in Higher Education
Anja Pawelleck

Program coordination
Lisa Gubler
Tel.: +41 (0)44 634 29 84

Weiterführende Informationen

Booklet CAS Higher Education

Regulation and Implementation Provisions (German)