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UZH Weiterbildung

CAS in Responsible Business Conduct


Online in English, real-time lessons complemented by a self-study component


Certificate of Advanced Studies UZH in Responsible Business Conduct (10 ECTS Credits)


Professionals from business, government, civil society, and academia in charge of responsible business conduct/corporate governance, due diligence policies and implementation


CHF 7 500.–
Early Bird Discount: CHF 350.– (limited availability)



Centre for Human Rights, University of Zurich
Rämistrasse 74/5
CH-8001 Zürich



+41(0) 44 634 48 65


The CAS aims at supporting professionals and practitioners who seek a continuing education program to enhance their skills in the dynamic field of Responsible Business Conduct (RBC). By adopting a practical approach that emphasizes the crucial process of due diligence, participants learn how to harmonize business practices with the principles of Responsible Business Conduct, including human rights and environmental sustainability.

The CAS consists of five modules:
  • Module 1, Foundations of RBC: This module introduces and analyzes the concept of Responsible Business Conduct based on the recently updated OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP) and the current regulatory global framework and its developments around the world.
  • Module 2, Due Diligence: Incorporation of RBC in management systems, from risk identification to access to remedy, relevant case studies are the focus of this module.
  • Module 3, Group Case Study: The module features live sessions with participants collaboratively working on RBC key cases and discussing due diligence best practices and effective access to remedy.
  • Module 4, In-depth Study: This module investigates crucial topics such as: Human Rights, Finance, Labor, Bribery and Corruption, Environment, and Digitalization from an RBC perspective with a special session on RBC in high-risk and conflict areas. A special focus will be given on the changes introduced by the updated OECD Guidelines.
  • Module 5, Individual Projects: On the closing module, participants focus on RBC issues of professional relevance and interest (written paper and presentation).


On Request



Flyer for CAS starting February 2025