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CAS in Higher EducationAcademic Teaching and Research-Based Learning |
Studienform |
Program language switches annually between German and English |
Gesamtdauer |
2 years (15 course days) |
Abschluss |
Certificate of Advanced Studies UZH in Higher Education (15 ECTS Credits) |
Zielpublikum |
Instructors in Higher Education |
Kosten |
CHF 8 700.– for external participants For internal participants (UZH employees): CHF 4350.- without a qualifying position CHF 1000.- with a qualifying position (for doctoral candidates without a qualifying position see Regulation and Implementation Provisions) |
Programm-Website | |
Information |
Universität Zürich Continuing Education in University Teaching and Learning Program management: Anja Pawelleck Program coordination: Lisa Gubler Hirschengraben 84, 8001 Zürich |
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Telefon |
+41 (0)44 634 29 84 |
Beschreibung |
The CAS in Higher Education is a part-time continuing education program covering all the relevant aspects of current university teaching and learning. It is an opportunity for instructors to receive a basic grounding and continuing education in teaching and learning, and acquire a qualification documenting their university teaching achievements. Participants will learn how to plan and conduct skills-based courses and assess their teaching appropriately. They'll be introduced to innovative teaching models and approaches to evaluation. The program is offered in a blended learning format combining a variety of teaching and learning settings: alongside in-class sessions, participants will put together a teaching portfolio, be observed by experts, take part in peer observations, and try their hand at peer counseling. At the end of the CAS in Higher Education, participants independently carry out a teaching project. |
Daten |
Start Fall 2025 (in English) |
Download-Datei |
CAS_HigherEducation.pdf |
Voraussetzungen |
Participants must hold a Master’s degree from an accredited university. Teaching activity (for details see website). |