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DAS / MAS in European and Asian Business Management


MAS: 18 months full-time or 24-30 months part-time. The part-time option is only available for students without visa requirements for Switzerland.
DAS: 9 months


Master of Advanced Studies UZH in European and Asian Business Management (70 ECTS Credits)
Diploma of Advanced Studies UZH in European and Asian Business Management (35 ECTS Credits)


Working professionals with a Bachelor or Master’s degree who aim to specialize in intercultural management with a focus on Europe and Asia.


MAS: CHF 38 500.– excluding a CHF 200.– application fee and study trip costs
DAS: CHF 23 000.–



University of Zurich
MAS European and Asian Business Management
Stampfenbachstrasse 75, 8006 Zürich



+41 44 634 19 85


The MAS European and Asian Business Management offers a top-level post-graduate education and prepares future leaders for an international career. Students from around the globe discuss the fundamentals of management and learn about emerging business-theories. Three course blocks specifically dedicated to Europe, China and Asia give room to dive deep into topics such as FinTech and Swiss Family Business in Europe or E-Commerce and Cross-Border Business in China.
In addition to a 9-month course period, participants apply the knowledge gained in class during a corporate project – internship, practical or business project – in an international company.
With case studies and lectures presented by renowned professors and business leaders, the program brings together all essential knowledge relating to business in general and enables you to conduct international business in and between Asia and Europe.
Courses are taught in English. In addition to the regular lectures, electives such as seminars on the latest business developments in Europe, Asia and China in particular, company visits, and Chinese and German language courses enrich the curriculum.


Next program starts: August 2023
Registration Deadline: April 30 , 2023 for non-EU/EFTA citizens, June 30, 2023 for EU/EFTA citizens