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UZH Continuing Education

AI and Ethics

Study Structure



Course certificate

Target Audience




In this workshop, students will become familiar with the ethical issues connected to the usage of artificial intelligence (AI) in different areas of society. Within a workshop framework consisting of theoretical input, activating workstations, role play, and discussion settings, they will explore different thematical fields around AI and develop an argumentative basis for making ethical decisions.

Workshop Agenda
1. Theoretical Input
2. Cognitive Activation
3. Workstations
4. Plenary Discussion

Further Requirements
  • Subscriptions for image-generative AI
  • Two big screens
  • Signed Agreement by each participant that allows us to collect quantitative (= traffic light discussion) and qualitative (= group discussions) data
  • Collection of data with the help of Kristina Eiviler

Workshop Objectives
  • After the workshop, the participants will have thought through different AI scenarios that are partly current and therefore already occur now, partly hypothetical, being projected into the near future.
  • The participants will know about the opportunities and challenges in decision-making processes concerning the usage of AI. They will have sharpened their own opinions and be able to support them with different arguments. At the same time, they will have entered different positions in discussions, therefore, a comprehensive understanding has been brought about.
  • The students will be able to make decisions concerning their usage of AI and justify their position. In addition, they will be able to better follow political and societal discussions on AI and therefore have strengthened their agency through self-education processes during the workshop.

Expected Outcome
1. Expanded knowledge of ethical issues being entailed by the global spread and increasing usage of AI.
2. Practical hands-on experience with image-generative AI.
3. Compilation of arguments concerning the use of AI.
4. Imagining possible futures with AI helps strengthen student’s decision-making abilities in their areas of influence.


On request